Tamaka Śwāsa (Bronchial Asthma) is a syndrome characterized by airflow obstruction with reduced airflow, symptomatic wheezing and dyspnoea. Among all the treatment modalities, polyherbal combinations are well-accepted, safe and effective in asthma. An open clinical trial was conducted on 60 patients of either sex in between 10-70 years age to assure the clinical response of an herbal compound in bronchial asthma at Department of Kayachikitsa, Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital, and Guwahati-14. Along with this study, an attempt has also been made to identify the potential drug target of Asthma followed by a molecular interaction of Vasak compounds with the target protein of Asthma. The clinical trial results show clinical and symptomatological improvement. Also, improvement in Peak Expiratory Flow Rate was seen suggesting bronchodilator effect, significant reduction of AEC and ESR was observed showing the anti-allergic effect of the drug. During the course of treatment no any adverse effects were noticed. Thus, the herbal compound is found out to be an ideal and safe preparation in the management of Tamaka Śwāsa. In molecular docking studies all the Screened 8 ligands out of 12 phytochemicals of Adhotada vasica with target protein of Asthma i.e IL3, IL4, IL5, IL13, TNF-α and EOTAXIN shows Vasicinolone to be most potent ligand that binds with IL-5 at the most minimum binding affinity of -7.7 kcal/mol.