the “diabetic capital” of the world: cumulative burden of diabetes in india

Research Article
Shubhi Mishra and Navita Pareek
Type 2 diabetes, prevalence, risk factors, complications, early screening

The burden of diabetes is escalating every single day and it causes enormous mortalities across globe. India is currently on its path to become the diabetes capital of the world by making a significant contribution to the worldwide prevalence. Compared to rural areas, diabetes is more common in urban areas. Nowadays, type 2 diabetes is becoming increasingly more prevalent among youths and women. Type 2 diabetes is predominantly impacted by modifiable risk factors. People just become aware of the disease once they start experiencing its symptoms. There is an imperative need to make policies which focus on awareness, early screening and prevention strategies among people at grass root level. A literature search was carried out using pertinent databases such as IDF Atlas reports, PubMed, Springer, Elsevier, BMJ and other relevant original and meta-analysis studies searched up to October 2023. This review recapitulates the contemporary scenario of cumulative burden of diabetes in India, which is regarded as the world's diabetic capital.