Enzymes are proteins produced by living organisms isolated for large-scale commercial production and with wider application in the food industry. Asparaginase is a hydrolytic enzyme that breakdown of non-essential amminoacid L-asparagine to L-aspartic acid with the release of ammonia. The naturally occurring enzyme expressed and produced by humans, plants and microorganisms. Lasparaginase has gained attention in recent years due to its significant applications in food industry to prevent the acrylamide formation. The enzyme asparaginase is added to certain foods in order to reduce the quantity of the amino acid asparagine that is naturally present in foods. Under specific cooking conditions, asparaginecan react with certain carbohydrates in the food to form acrylamide, a potential neurotoxin and human carcinogen. By reducing the amount of asparagine in the food prior to cooking or processing, the amount of acrylamide that can be formed will also be reduced. In recent years, to reduce exposure of foodborne acrylamide has strongly encouraged in the food industry to develop and implement acrylamide reduction strategies. Asparaginase is a powerful tool for the food industry and it is likely that its use will increase in future. This review explores the use of asparaginase enzyme and the reduction of acrylamide formation in food processing