abundance and diversity of zooplanktons in relation to physico-chemical properties of water in ammanagi pond (chikodi taluka)

Research Article
Shri Y. H. Yalavigi
Ammangi pond, physicochemical parameters, Abiotic factors, Biotic factors, Zooplanktons

Water is the most precious gift of nature to all the living organisms and provides the most extensive medium for aquatic animals to live as a universal solvent which contains several essential minerals and gases on which the life depends. To study of functional relationships and productivity of fresh water biotic communities in a pond two years limnological study (April-2013 to March- 2015) was carried out on fresh water pounds situated at Ammangi village, Chikodi Taluk of Belagavi district. A total of 22 physico-chemical parameters were studied on monthly basis. The waters of this pond was being used for irrigation purpose and were subjected to biotic disturbances such as bathing, cattle bathing, washing of cloths etc. The study is oriented towards the comparison of biotic and abiotic factors in this pond, monthly variations of physico-chemical factors, quantitative and qualitative estimation of zooplankton, community diversity and uniformity monthwise, quotient QB/T, correlations among abiotic factors and correlations between abiotic factors and zooplankton community. A total of forty three species of zooplankton recorded from the Ammanagi pond. Rotifera was taxonomically dominant group and its density was also high. The pond was mesotrophic in June and July remaining months it was eutrophic and hyperutrophic. The atmospheric temperature, water temperature, bicarbonates. Total Dissolved solids, Magnesium, Chloride, sulphates, Phosophates, Ammonical nitrogen and chemical oxygen demand were high. The atmospheric temperature, water temperature, water transparency and free carbon dioxide were lower in the year of 2013-2014.

The present study clearly showed that all three ponds were eutrophic or hypereutrophic throughout the study period except June and July. The eutrophication in these water bodies is mainly due to increased anthories should take appropriate steps to make the pond clean and free from contamination otherwise water bodies may source of infection for many water born diseases