Objective: To examine the effects of Activity Based Therapy (ABT) and Surface Spinal Stimulation on neurologic function, walking ability and functional independence. Design: Single Subject Case Study. Setting: Outpatient Private Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic. Participant: Volunteer subject with Spinal Cord Injury, Motor Incomplete ASIA grade C. Interventions: A total of 12 hours/week of ABT for 24 weeks including developmental sequencing, resistance training, repetitive patterned motor activity and task specific loco motor training. This was accompanied with thrice weekly, 45minutes session of Surface Spinal Stimulation. Main outcome measures: Neurologic function ASIA (International standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury), Hoffmans Reflex, Somato Sensory Evoked Potential (SSEP), Walking Index for Spinal Cord Injury –II, SCI-FAI, Spinal Cord Injury Independence Measure (SCIM[1]III). Results: Some observable changes in the neural pathways, improvement in ASIA score of lower limb by 2 points on right side and by 1 point on left side. There was no change in level of WISCI-II and improvement of 5 points on SCI-FAI and of 9 points on SCIM-III. Conclusion: Both SSS and ABT have a positive effect on the neurologic function; walking ability and functional independence of the individual with Motor Incomplete ASIA grade C SCI. However, there must be further investigations into this field to determine a specific protocol of ABT and a particular spectrum of SSS optimal for individuals with SCI.