Skin tissue engineering is a vast field of research which aims at delivering people an efficient and effective way of skin replacement. It involves people from different research areas like material scientists, life scientists, biomedical engineers and also clinicians who give a combined effort in this field. This review helps elucidate the different fields of skin tissue engineering and it enables to understand the application of nanotechnology in the field of skin tissue engineering. Biomedical research involves the construction of scaffolds using different biomaterials and polymers inside which the cells are inserted and directed to form a new tissue or organ and application of nanotechnology in it allows changes at the material level. This can result in positive unpredictable variations inside the scaffold as well as also at the cellular level. Progress has been made in this area and it is being anticipated that more work and consideration at nano level can help in delivering a novel skin construct to the global healthcare market. In current scenario, if we start depending less over the factors like surgical techniques and wound bed preparation then it would ensure the success rate of recovery as well as tissue replacement.