The transformation from the traditional method of cultivation to the adoption of latest technology in cultivation may be termed as modernization. The increase in population and rapid urbanization has resulted in reduction in the area under cultivation. Under these circumstances, the present paper objectives are to study the utilization of Agricultural machinery, to study the quantity of subsidized seed distributed to the farmers and the cost of subsidy, to study the consumption levels of chemical fertilizers, to study the yield levels of major crops in the district. In the present paper the utilization of some modern inputs in Anantapuram district is attempted by using secondary data of each of the aspect. The actual number of different types of agricultural machinery used in the district at mandal level has been analyzed for the year 2010-11 and mapped the same. Since, seed subsidy is considered as an important input for agricultural development, the total quantity (in tones) distributed seed, cost of subsidy and number of farmers availed have been analysed at mandal level for the year 2010-11. Consumption of chemical fertilizers, such as Urea, NPK, DAP and others (in tonnage), has been analyzed at mandal level. Lastly the yield levels of major crops have been computed in comparison to the state levels and to find out yield gaps between state and district.