The research objectives are: 1) To describe the policy of village fund allocation in economic empowerment of rural community of motaha; 2) To knowing the factors influence the policy of village fund allocation in economic empowerment of rural Motaha community. The benefits of research are: 1). Theoretical benefits, research can be a contribution of scientific thought in developing the concept of public policy in improving the economic empowerment of rural communities; 2). Practical benefits; is an information material for the government to in establishing policies in improving the economic empowerment of rural communities. The approach the research is qualitative research with descriptive pattern which is done, intend to describe systematically facts and characteristics of the object or subject that is examined appropriately. The sample use purposive sampling method are 36 informant consists of village oficial 6 informan and 30 community. Data collection technique that: a). Observation is a systematic and deliberate observation through selection, recording, and coding of a series of behaviors, symptoms, and phenomena under study. b). Interviews are question and answer process orally and directly between the observer with the informants who are directed at a particular problem in depth by using the interview guide that has been prepared by researchers based on the research focus. Data analysis technique used research is descriptive qualitative technique include: 1) Data Reduction, 2) Data Display, And 3) Withdrawal Conclusion Recearch Result show of Strategy or Steps pursued by oficials village in an effort to empower the community economy by utilizing village funds alocation by means of holding facilities such as the procurement of asset facilities & economic infrastructure such as markets etc, and forming productive economic enterprises, capital assistance engaged in cooperatives , savings and loans, as well as the inclusion of capital entrepreneurship business entities engaged in capital assistance for small businesses, such as bake shop selling services, buying and selling of crops, and livestock and most important is the development of potential seed in the village. Participation support rural community programs the driving factor or constraint, if not implemented these patterns then it can be village funds alocation not benefit of the rural comunity, then the information & communication factor, the means of infrastructure, then the human that is related to the initiative individual and group communities, become the dominant factor in increasing the participation of the community for the preparation and implementation of programs in utilizing village funds allocation policy towards economic empowerment of rural communities.