Limnological studies on various stations of river Narmada was carried out from August 2010 to July 2010.The present investigation was carried out to enumerate the biodiversity of ephemeroptera fauna and to analyze water qualities parameters throughout various stations of river Narmada. Water samples and insects were collected monthly. Mayflies were sampled using standard entomological methods, while water samples were analyzed using APHA methods to determine the Physico- chemical properties. The physico- chemical parameters showed wide variations throughout the study period. During present investigation, 17 species comprising of 6 families were recorded including Baetidae, Caenidae, Ephemeridae, Ephemerellidae, Heptageniidae and Leptophtebiidae. The dominant family was Baetidae of which Baetis simplex was the most common species. The value of Shannon and Weaver Index was found within the range between 0 and 2.597.