In a Satellite or Tele Communication channel there is a high probability of corruption of data. So it is very much important to establish a reliable channel for communication. In order to overcome this problem, many error correcting techniques were introduced over time. Among all Reed-Solomon is the most popular technique. Reed – Solomon codes are an important sub – class of non-binary BCH codes. These are cyclic codes and are very effectively used for the detection and correction of burst errors. Galois field arithmetic is used for encoding and decoding of Reed – Solomon codes. Galois field multipliers are used for encoding the information block. At the decoder, the syndrome of the received codeword is calculated using the generator polynomial to detect errors. Then to correct these errors, an error locator polynomial is calculated. From the error locator polynomial, the location of the error and its magnitude is obtained. Consequently a correct codeword is obtained. RS Codes are implemented using VHDL and the functional working of the modified architecture has been tested using modelsim