1900, D. Hilbert announced 23 questions at the International Congress of Mathematicians. Among them, the Riemann conjecture is the merger of the Goldbach conjecture, the twin prime conjecture and the Riemann conjecture. A law was found that was multiplied by a prime number to form a "reciprocal and positive" function (average) and its reciprocal properties. Prove the"big O of 1"of the ζ function (ie the distribution and value of the infinite prime number between 0 and 1) and the three observed invariants and isomorphic properties, single properties, reciprocity, singularity of even and even of odd, and the composition of pure even and pure odd numbers. The obtained ζ function is normalized to any prime number (integer), the same number of zeros as the number of infinite prime numbers. The complex zero on the critical line is L = (0, 1 / 2, 1) ^ Z. The abnormal zero is: where Riemann conjecture {1/2}+ 1 (containing twin primes); Goldbach conjecture (including odd numbers) Guess) {1/2}^ - 1 = {2} (even).