Anatomical Study Of Various Shapes Of The Coronoid Process Of Human Mandible

Research Article
Natwar Lal Gaur., Amit Kumar Saxena and Vivek Parashar
Variation, Mandible, Ramus of Mandible, Coronoid process.

Coronoid Process of Mandible is a upward projection from the anterosuperior part of the ramus. The aim of this study was to observe the variation in the shape of coronoid process. The morphological appearance of the coronoid processes of both sides of 64 (128 sides) dry human mandibles, 35 males and 29 females mandibles, from Department of Anatomy, K.D. Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh And Department of Anatomy, SGT Medical College Hospital & Research institute Budhera Gurgaon, Haryana India. Three types of variations in the shape were evident. 1. Rounded 2.Triangular 3. Hook shaped. Round shaped coronoid process was found in 36(28.12%) sides, Triangular shaped process in 80(62.51%) and hook shaped in 12(9.37%) sides. The incidence of the round shaped of coronoid process was found in slightly more in the female mandibles, the triangular shape and hook shaped of coronoid process was present more in male’s mandibles.