Ante-Natal Care In Ayurveda And Its Role In Prevention Of Congenital Anomalies

Research Article
Neha Udainiya
Congenital anomalies, Prakriti, antenatal care, Garbhiniparicharya

Congenital anomalies also known as birth defects, congenital disorders or functional anomalies that occur during intrauterine life, can be identified at the time of birth and sometime may only be detected later in infancy. These anomalies affectmillions of babies worldwide occurring at around 1 in every 33 babies born. The most common severe congenital anomalies are Heart defects, Neural tube defects and Down syndrome. According to Ayurveda these congenital anomalies are due to defect in germ cells or somatic cells in intrauterine environment. The interaction of germ cell genotype, geo-climatic conditions and uterine factors, mother’s diet and activities as well as nature of Panchmahabhoota in the environment at the time of fertilization determine the healthy state of foetus and newborn. The unhealthy state of either factor can affect the Prakriti of foetus and even result in various congenital anomalies. These types of abnormalities happen in Beeja (ovum or sperm), Beejabhaga (chromosome) and Beejabhagaavyava (gene) level.Garbhaniparicharya i.e.antenatal care mentioned in Ayurveda plays a vital role at excellence in form of fetus, its development without any defects. The present review aims to highlights the role of Garbhiniparicharya in predictive, preventive as well as personalized aspect of congenital disorders.