Thespesia populnea Corr. Floral and bark extract has been shown to have anti-steroidogenic effect. Bark extract of Thespesia populnea has no toxicity as per the earlier reports of traditional medicine used by the tribal people of Indira Gandhi wild life sanctuary, Pollachi, South India. In the present study, anti-fertility effect of Thespesia populnea (Malvacea) bark was evaluated in adult female mice (Mus musculus). Methanolic extract of Thespesia populnea bark (METP) was administered orally at the doses of 100, 250, 400 mg/kg body weight for a duration of 60 days, and normal saline (0.9%) to control group. There was significant (P<0.05) reduction in uterine implantation in the METP treated dose depended cyclic female mice mated with male mice. Administration of METP in mice did not show any variation in the haematological and bio-chemical parameters. It is concluded that METP could be due to its anti- fertility effect and resulted in present study revealed the significant reduction in uterine implantation found in METP treated medium and high doses of female mice.