In this work the aim is to control the chaotic unstable behavior of a dynamic rotor using the optimal linear control theory OLC, minimizing the chaotic unstable behavior arising from the vibration system, to become a stable signal. To develop this work, there were several steps ranging from the characterization of the experiment consisting of the acquisition of the rotor signal compared with the theoretical model and justified by the stability criteria of Routh-Hurwitz. In a second step, we were introduced an unbalanced mass and analyzed the vibration signal, characterizing the stability of the system by Lyapunov method. In this phase were also developed, mathematically, the equations of characteristics solutions derived from the equations of the space system. Finally, in the third step, for effective control was used linear state feedback control, linear control design minimizing the chaotic signal in a stable point. The results found, the application of control theory, was the effective control of the chaotic unstable signal of the dynamic rotor, thus justifying the result of this work