The title of the study is “A descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding Domestic Waste Management and its effect on Health among Home makers from selected area of Pune city”. The purpose of the study is to assess the knowledge regarding domestic waste management and its effect on health among homemakers, to associate the knowledge level with selected demographic variables. The study adopted “Health belief Model” as a theoretical base for the framework of the study. A quantitative study by using descriptive design was used, a sample size of 300 homemakers was selected by using Non-Probability convenience sampling technique. Questionnaire (Multiple choice questions) was used to assess the level of knowledge among homemakers on domestic waste management and its effect on health. Results: The study revealed that among 300 homemakers, majority 181 (60%) had average knowledge followed by 102 (34%) have poor knowledge, only 17 (6%) have good knowledge of domestic waste management. Regarding effect of domestic waste management on health, majority 183 (61%) have average knowledge followed by 84 (28%) have poor knowledge and only 33 (11%) have good knowledge of effete of domestic waste management on health. Study also has shown association between education status and knowledge score of domestic waste management as p value is less than 0.05 level of significance. Researcher concludes that women play a key role in domestic waste management and they do not have appropriate knowledge. There is a need to educate women regarding waste management.