Background: Hypertension is one of the most common disorder in the world, and become a significant problem in many developing countries .WHO states that high blood pressure is a silent killer that affects 600 million people worldwide .In India hypertension directly responsible for 57% of all stroke deaths and 24% of all coronary heart diseases. Moreover it affect to adults than children’s. In recent years the prevention, detection and treatment of hypertension remains an important health challenge. Objectives: To assess the level of knowledge regarding prevention of hypertension among adults. To find out association between the level of knowledge and socio demographic variables of adults. Methodology: Cross Sectional descriptive design was used and study conducted in NMCH at Nellore. Andhra Pradesh state (India) and data was collected from 50 adults by using non probability conveniece sampling technique for 4 weeks. Semi Structured questionnaire was used for collecting the data from samples. Results and Discussion: The study findings revealed that, 26% had inadequate knowledge 64% had Average knowledge and remains 10% had adequate knowledge regarding preventive aspects of hypertension. There was an association between the education and level of knowledge with the chi square value of 26.91, and significant at P <0.05. Conclusion: The study concluded that adults are having moderately adequate knowledge regarding prevention of hypertension and exploring that there is an need to provide information through health education to general population.