Assessment Of Vocational Interests Of Pahadi & Bakarwal School Students In Relation To Their Gender

Research Article
Mandeep Singh
Vocation, Interest, Pahadi, Bakarwal and Job Profile.

Education is supposed to develop an integrated human being and to prepare young people to perform useful functions for society and to take part in collective life. Vocational Interest is a tendency of a person towards the possible vocational choices and goals. Vocational interest of the student depends upon the knowledge, attitudes, values, physical characteristics and environmental influences. Vocational interest is the most enduring and compelling area of individual differences and the most popular means for characterizing, comparing and matching persons and environment. Descriptive survey method of research was used in this study. Through this research work, the researcher has tried to know and acknowledge the vocational interests of Pahadi & Bakarwal School Students. In the study, inventory of Vocational Interest developed by investigator himself was used. The data were analyzed with the help of Mean, S.D. and t-test to study the vocational interest of secondary students. The mean of the female was a little more than the mean of the male in some fields, so the girls were slightly more interested in music, agriculture, and teaching area of vocational interest. In case of literary, mechanical, outdoor, business, sports, social executive, and scientific areas of vocational interest, male were slightly more interested comparison to female