Association Of Plant Parasitic Nematodes With Egg Plant (2013- 2014) In Rangareddy District, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Research Article
Kavitha B and Vanita Das V
Plant parasitic Nematodes with frequency, vegetable, eggplant,

In Telangana in my study during (2013 – 2014) nematodes identify the association of plant parasitic nematodes and to assess the losses on vegetables including egg plant (Solanum melongena) planted at major vegetable production areas of Rangareddy district. A fifty samples were collected from 20 locations scattered over the vegetable production area of Rangareddy. The results showed that 85% vegetables fields were infected by plant parasitic nematodes. The plant parasitic nematodes that were found infecting to vegetables, in order of decreasing frequency, were in the year 2013 Meloidogyne sp (71%) Rotylenchulus sp (64.1%) Helicotylenchus sp (44.5%) Pratylenchus sp (41%) Hoplolaimus sp (36%), Heterodera sp (32.5%), Xiphinema sp (26.5%). The frequency of plant parasitic nematode ranged from 0 to 85.0% with an average of 47.19%. Population densities of Meloidogyne sp. and Rotylenchulus sp were at potentially damaging levels in most of the vegetable crops We observed 32.5% yield losses on vegetables commercially grown, which are higher compared to that of developed countries. Higher losses might be due to unawareness if grower about these plant parasitic nematodes.