Auto-Immune Diseases And Their Psychosocial Risk Factors: A Review

Research Article
Sudhanshu Bhatt, Mitashree Mitra , Priyamvada Shrivastava and Gaukaran Janghel
Auto-immune disease (AD) ,Psoriasis, Rheumatoid-Arthritis, Graves’ disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes type- 1, Systemic Lupus-Erythematosus, Psycho-social factors.

Auto-immune disease (AD) is caused by the immune system getting confused and wrongly attacking the body’s good cell. The present study examined the psycho-social risk factors in AD, on the basis of review of different studies related to the AD. All about 100 related studies were reviewed. Most of the studies of AD were in medical back ground. About 30-35 studies dealt with the psycho-social risk factors responsible for triggering AD. The review has been focused on 6 AD, became prevalence of the 6 AD is high in Chhattisgarh state, though not reported in documentation. The review of these studies suggested that the important psycho-social risk factors are stress, emotional affects, emotional or physical stress and socio[1]cultural factors for various AD.