Background: Ethics is set of moral codes of conduct in day to day life. Similarly, Bioethics provides regulations of manner and behaviour with patients and human research subjects in healthcare profession. During Physiotherapy session’s patient-doctor relationship is very extensive and detailed. Hence, Physiotherapists has to follow ethical framework while attending patient or performing research on human subjects. Hence, we decided to study the awareness level in bioethics, as well as to assess the extent of practice of bioethics in Physiotherapy professionals. Method: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 200 staff and students of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam College of Physiotherapy, Loni Bk. A self-constructed questionnaire was used for assessing the level of awareness and extent of practice of Bioethics in Physiotherapy. First and Final year BPT students, Interns, Post graduate students and Staff of College are included in this study as, first to third academic year students do not interact with patients independently. The questionnaire was administered as per convenience to each participant and score was calculated. The questionnaire formed according to four components; General Awareness, Practice, Research and future utility. In scoring, ‘1’ as minimum and ‘4’ was maximum score as per options were provided in Likert scale style. After collecting the questionnaires participants were provided with ideal answer sheet for the factual information regarding questionnaire. Result: Results observed from study shown that, Physiotherapy professionals in Institution based settings are not thoroughly aware about general concepts in Bioethics (52%) but, they use Bioethics in research as well as in day to day practice. (81% & 94%) Most of the participants agreed to include Bioethics as university level subject in both undergraduate as well as postgraduate curriculum. (97%) The most positively answered question was Q. No. 3 (100%) and most negatively answered question was Q. No. 9 (98 %) Conclusion: The present study highlights importance of Bioethics education in all levels of healthcare education and concludes that, Physiotherapy professionals are not thoroughly aware of Bioethics but practice Bioethical principles in day to day practice.