The purpose of the study was to compare the barriers for physical activity between Indian and Foreign female students of Delhi State. To achieve the objective of the study, two hundred (N=200) Indian female students and two hundred (N=200) Foreign female students between 17 to 25 years were selected conveniently and purposely from the regular students of different Universities and colleges of Delhi State as subjects. ’Barriers to Being Active Quiz (BBAQ-21)” constructed by United States Development of Health and Human Service (USDHHS, 1999) was used to assess barriers for physical activity of students. To determine the significant difference between the mean scores of Indian and Foreign female students on physical activity barriers ‘t’ test was employed with the help of SPSS software. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results of the study revealed that there were no significant differences found on barriers for physical activity between Indian female and foreign female students of Delhi state except lack of time and skill. However, the finding on mean basis also reveals that foreign female students were having less barrier of physical activity on all obstacles than Indian female students.