Becoming Ecologically Conscious Consumers: The Discernment Of Youth

Research Article
Jasna P. Varijan
Ecologically Conscious Consumer Behavior, Ecological consciousness, Youth

Environment concerns and discourses are found more vibrant during this millennium. Environmental matters like ecological devastation, exploitation of natural resources, sustainability and more are discussed critically worldwide with an elegant aim of creating a better Planet, a better place to live. On the other side the human activities causing havoc to the planet resources increasing day by day. According to the UN’s Intergovernmental Commission on Climate Change (2001) very likely i.e. 90 % of the human activities are causing global warming which in turn causes crucial climatic disturbances and resource depletion. As the most intelligent species on Earth humans need to behave in a concerned and responsible way to the natural resources which include land, water, forest, animals and all else which constitute the blue planet. To conserve nature and its resources for the next generation the inhabitants, the consumers of the nature may behave in an ecologically conscious manner and off course wisely trigger a chain of changes in attitudes and behavior towards the nature in order to transform as ecologically conscious consumers (ECCs) who were concerned about the environment. The study concerned with the mensuration of ecologically conscious consumer behavior of youth as it act as the raw factor for the construct leading to the conservation and preservation of nature and natural resources. The participants of the study constitute 120 post graduate students from Calicut district. The investigators prepared a three point scale on ecologically conscious consumer behavior namely; ECCB Scale based on the behavioral components of ecological consciousness and is used for the study.