The application of Seaweed Liquid Fertilizer (SLF) of Sargassum wightii has significant effect on the growth of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench). The growth characters such as seed germination, seedling vigour index, shoot length, root length, plant fresh weight and plant dry weight were significantly higher in plants treated with different concentration of SLF (1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 6% and 7%). The effect was varied with the concentration of SLF. Among them, the growth response was superior in the plants treated with 5.0% of SLF of Sargassum wightii over the control plants. The SLF treatment has positive effect on the biochemical characters of Okra such as total chlorophyll, protein, aminoacids, glucose content and NR activity. These biochemical characters were significantly higher in plants treated with 5.0% SLF. The results revealed that the optimum concentration for the production/synthesis of biochemical characters of Okra was found to be 5.0% SLF of Sargassum wightii. Above this concentration (5.0%), there was gradual decrease in all the biochemical characters.