The authors report a case of traumatic bilateral posterior dislocation of hip associated with two pubic rams fractures occurring in a young adult driver with no previous history of hip abnormality or ligamentous laxity, when the strong force is applied to the hip joint in the patient sitting with knees and hips flexed, a posterior lumbar shock in the hips adducted and rotated internally wich is associated with a direct shock on pelvis. The clinical diagnosis was the severe hips pain confirmed on X-rays. The two hips were reduced emergently under general anesthesia by classical method of Boelher. For the pubic ram fractures; discharge and a traction system of the legs pasted on the bed has been applied bilaterally for 45 days followed immediately with physiotherapy. On follow-up six weeks after discharge from hospital the patient has no complaint and six months later we obtained a satisfactory result with painless hips, stable and the patient was returned his activity.