An experiment was laid out in the farmer’s field (2013-14) at Baro Rangras near UBKV, Pundibari to find out the efficacy of Tricyclazole 75% WP against blast disease of paddy. 5 different doses of Tricyclazole 75% WP were applied in the field which is compared with 2 different doses of the same molecule which is marketed in the Trade name of Blastin (Check) and one control plot (without any spray) was also kept for the trial. From the experiment it was concluded that the spray of Tricyclazole 75% WP @ 800 gm/ha was found to be most effective in controlling leaf blast (PDI 11.82 after 3rd spray) and neck blast (PDI 7.31) of paddy and this treatment produced highest grain (45.12 q/ha) and fodder yield also (70.20 q/ha). No phytotoxic effect of Tricyclazole 75% WP was found on rice plant. The residue analysis of soil, husk and grain at recommended, double dose, check (Blastin) and control (no spray) showed Below Detectable Limit (BDL) results for tricyclazole (less than 0.02 mg/Kg) in all the samples.