Background: The actual biomedical waste management situation in the democratic developing country like India is grim. Even though there are Rules stipulating the method of safe disposal of biomedical waste, hospital waste generated by hospitals is still largely being dumped in the open, waiting to be collected along with general waste. Safe and effective management of biomedical waste is not a legal necessity but also a social responsibility. Lack of concern in person working in that area, less motivation and awareness are some of the problems faced in the proper hospital waste management. Aim and objectives: To obtain information about the knowledge, attitude and practice of interns, PG students, faculties from dental colleges and private practitioners in disposal of biomedical waste. Material and methods: A self-administered questionnaire composed of 30 questions was designed and distributed among 300 participants chosen randomly including interns, PG students, faculties from dental colleges and private practitioners from central India. Results: Many dentists have knowledge about the waste management but they lack in the attitude and practice.