Calisthenics On Psychological Parameters Among Alcohol Dependent

Review Article
Subbiah Sathiyakani, Prabavathy S and Renuka K
Alcohol dependence, Calisthenics, Depression, Anxiety, Stress

Alcoholism is the major psychiatric, medical and public health problem and considered to be social and economic problems in developing countries like India. Alcoholism affects physical and mental health, and can cause problems with family, work place, serious impairment in social or occupational functioning. Alcohol misuse represents one of the prime cause of preventable death, illness and injury to individual, family and the society. Alcohol dependence syndrome is a strong desire to take the substance and difficult in cutting of substance taking behavior and creating harm to self, traffic accidents, domestic violence and also psychological parameter changes. The commonness of alcohol dependence got majority increased level of depression, anxiety and stress. Many research reviewed with regard to alcohol dependence syndrome and its prevalence in the society and also those with psychological illness. Studies revealed that Calisthenics can improve the psychological well-being. The literature search was conducted with the following terms, key words and phrases-‘Calisthenics’, ‘Prevalence’, Alcohol Dependence’, ‘Depression’, ‘Anxiety’, ‘Stress’. The search was performed in the following databases-PubMed, Google Scholar, and Medline Plus. Research literature supports the necessity for early identification of psychological changes and appropriate intervention and promotion of psychological well-being among alcohol dependents. The fact that alcohol dependence syndrome is widely prevalent among individuals with psychological illness, and the studies in this part of country are scarce, underscores the need for further research on this topic.