In the present global and competitive environment foundry industries needs to perform efficiently with minimum number of rejections. Also they have to develop casting components in very short lead time. Casting process is still state of art with experienced people, but these experience needs to be transformed in engineering knowledge for the better growth of the foundry industries. Some foundries are working with trial and error method and get their work done. Defect free castings with minimum production cost have become the need of the foundries. In India are many foundry have followed conventional and manual operations. Today’s competitive environment has, lower manufacturing cost, more productivity in less time, high quality product, defect free operation are required to follow to every foundry man. This study is aimed to get solution for minimizing various casting defects and to improve the entire process of casting manufacturing. Different quality tools are used to control the casting rejection as SQC, Parato charts, Taguchi Method, ANNOVA etc.