Characters Of Indian Agricultural Marketing

Review Article
Prabha., Shree Ram Singh and Goyal S. K
Marketing, rural market, commodities, farming community, development

In views of many economists, there is a great need to redefine agriculture as the science and practice of activities relating to cultivation, production, processing, marketing, distribution, utilization and trade of agricultural products which implies that agricultural development strategy must address not only farmers but also those in marketing, trade, processing and agri-business. In this context, efficient marketing is added an importance to the Indian agriculture. Strengthening of agriculture is critical for facing the challenges of rural poverty, food insecurity, unemployment and sustainability of natural resources in India. Agricultural Marketing is a process which starts with a decision to produce a profitable farm product and involves all aspects of market structure or system, both functional and institutional, based on technical and economic consideration. Agriculture sector needs structured and functional markets, preferably in vicinity of farmers, to drive growth, employment, remunerative price and economic prosperity in rural areas of the country. Enabling mechanism were also required to be put in place for procurement of agricultural commodities directly from farmers’ field and to establish effective linkages between the farm production, the retail chain and food processing industries. Agriculture being a state subject, a Model APMC Act was formulated and circulated to the States/UTs in the year 2003 for adoption. The Model Act provides for contract farming, direct marketing, setting up markets in private and cooperative sector, etrading, single point levy of market fee, single registration of market functionaries, farmer-consumer market etc. Agricultural marketing have many major implications those act as hindrances for the development of agriculture and farming community.