Chicken Anemia Virus An Economically Important Poultry Virus

Research Article
Sandhya N and SaiGopal DVR
Chicken anemia virus, Blue-Wing disease, Immunosuppression, Economically important poultry virus, Apoptin, Hematopoietic precursors,Scaffolding protein.

Vamana (emetic therapy) is one among the panchakarma chikitsa (five eliminative therapies), where the morbid doshas are expelled through the oral cavity. Many vamaka yogas(emetics) have been mentioned in bruhatrayees (treatises of Ayurveda) in various forms of preparations. Madana phala (emetic nut) is considered as best vamaka dravya (emetic drug). The multi-dimensional activities of Randia dumetorum have been revalidated in recent times on several experimental models and even in well designed clinical trials. Various parts of this medicinal thorny shrub reveals Antibacterial, Anti-Allergic, Antiinflammatory, Analgesic, Immunomodulatory, therapeutic emetic and also used to check wound healing etc Shows us multiple precision of the plantThis review is an attempt to explore various yogas for vamana karma where madanaphala is used as the main ingredient.