William D. Whitney, an eminent authority of Vedic literature, compared Viloma with anemia. The hemoglobin concentration falls below the accepted normal range due to the failure of hemoglobin synthesis and other conditions mentioned in nidana(causes), in particular, where unhygienic, low socioeconomic and faulty food habits are the contributing factors. It is even more common in pregnant women. Its prevalence in all the age groups and in both the sexes interested researchers from ages. Thirty patients are randomly selected from those attending the out-patient Department of Post Graduate Unit of Kayachikitsa, (Genaral medicine) at Dr B.R.K.R. Govt. Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Erragadda, Hyderabad. The Drug GudaHareetaki is tried on 30 patient and results are assessed periodically. The results are encouraging, which are discussed in length, in the chapter of Results separately. The entire work is divided in to VII parts, covering all the aspects of the disease – Pandu Roga and Drug – GudaHareetaki