Aacharya Sushruta has explained twenty eight types of Karna Rogas and Karana-naada is one of them. Vitiated Vata Dosha either entering into other channels (Vimarga Gamana) or encircled by Kaphadi Doshas (sangam) in Sabdavaha Srotas produces different types of sounds in the ear like Bheri, Mrudanga, Shankha etc. is known as Karna Nada. The clinical features of Karnanada relates to Tinnitus in modern science.The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of Mahamaash Taila Karanpurna and Ashwagandhadya Ghrita Paana in the management of Karna naad w.s.r. to Tinnitus. Total 10 patients were registered in single group and all patients completed the trial. The trail was conducted for 30 days and effect of drugs was evaluated. The analysis based on subjective improvements reveals that 5 patients were moderately improved, 4 patients were mildly improved while 1 patient was having no improvements. No adverse effect was seen during the trail and in the follow up as well. The study revealed that Mahamash Taila Karanpurna and Ashwagandhadya Ghrita Paana plays a vital role in the management of Karna Naad w.s.r. to Tinnitus.