Ayurveda has dealt with the disease in all its aspects elaborately. All dermatological disorders are coming under the term Kushtha as per Ayurvedic texts. The present study was aimed to evaluate efficacy of Gandhaka Rasayana and Vicharchikari Taila in the management of Vicharchika. For this study, selected 30 patients were divided into two groups. In Group (A) total 15 patients were registered with the administration of Gandhaka Rasayana and anupana of Khadira kwatha & Vicharchikari Taila for external application has been given and in Group (B) remaining 15 patients were registered and taking Gandhaka Rasayana & water (Sukhoshna Jala) was used in place of anupana and Vicharchikari Taila used for external application has been given. Patients were taken from O.P.D. of Kaya Chikitsa department of Shri N.P.A. Govt. Ayurvedic College Raipur (C.G.), Study duration was 2 months with the follow up of 7 days. Among the 15 patients of Group A, 66.6% are markedly, 26.6% are moderate and only 6.66% is mildly improved. Thus 15 patients of Group B, 66.6% are markedly, 13.3% are moderate and 20% are mildly improved. Respectively all 30 patients are Mild, Moderate, markedly improved. It was concluded that Gandhaka Rasayana with the anupana of Khadira kwatha and external application of Vicharchikari Taila has a significant result in the management of Vicharchika.