Women of all races and ethnicity are affected by breast cancer. The incidence, clinical presentation and survival rates vary in different geographic areas and among different Races & ethnicity within same geographic region. It is also 2nd most common cause of cancer related death among females in India. Although national cancer registry maintains cancer related data but no data is available from rural areas separately. Ours is one rural tertiary care center. We want to conduct a retrospective study of clinicopathological profile of breast cancer patients and type of diagnostic modality used with treatment given to patients. Majority of the patients were in the age group of 31 years to 50 years (56.6%). Most common complaints with which patient present to our center is lump in breast. Most patients are having right sided breast carcinoma. One patient present with bilateral breast carcinoma. Maximum number of patients presenting to our center with breast carcinoma are females. Only 4 male patients present with carcinoma breast. Most of patients present to our center with complaints for more than 6 months. FNAC is most common modality of diagnosis before proceeding to surgery at our center. Maximum patients belong to group III A. Overall patients present at operable advanced stages at our institute. Maximum number of patients belong to infiltrative ductal carcinoma (NOS subtype). Patients offered Modified radical Mastectomy as surgical treatment. But there is less tendency for follow up, so all patients were offered modified radical mastectomy.