Compairative Study Of Various Formulation Of Bi Layered Flotting Tablet Of Susralfate And Metoprolol Succinate

Research Article
Das,S R., Panigrahi, B B and Pani M K
Sucralfate Metoprolol Succinate, ,(SFMS), (DSFMS) ,(OSFMS),

Comparing the results of post compresional parameters and drug release study within Best formulations (SFMS), Developed formulations(DSFMS) ,Optimized formulation (OSFMS) selected from 15 formulations of Sucralfate and 10 formulations of Metoprolol Succinate. The Bi Layered Floating Tablets are compressed by the selective formulations and Post compresional parameters ; Avrage weight, thickness, Hardness,% friability, DT of Sucralfate layer, FLT and TFT of Metoprolol Succinate Layer,Drug content ,stability study,Kinetic drug release profile are studied and best formulation among them are selected. Post compressional parameters of the formulations (SFMS), (DSFMS) ,(OSFMS) full fill parameters of Bi layered Floating Tablet but DSFMS produce TFT is 24 hrs and produce better release than others. Conclusion: DSFMS produce DT 2.04± 0.157 min ,FLT 10sec,TFT >24hrs,and drug content 99.23% of Sucralfate and 100.06% of Metoprolol Succinate .So it is confirmed that the formulation (DSFMS ) produce better Bi layered Floating Tablet .