A Comparative Evaluation Of Transverse, Vertical And Sagittal Arch Dimensions In Class I And Class Ii Division 1 Malocclusion Subjects In Karnataka Population

Research Article
Mayank T,Raghunath N andShivalinga BM
Transverse, Vertical, Sagittal, Arch dimensions, Correlation, Orthodontics.

Objectives: To determine and compare the palatal dimensions in transverse, vertical and sagittalplanes of space in class I and class II division 1 malocclusion subjects in Karnataka population. Material and Methods: The study consisted of 110 study models out of which 55 samples belonged to class I malocclusion subjects and 55 samples belonged to class II division 1 malocclusion subjects. Samples were obtained from patient records seeking orthodontic treatment from various parts of Karnataka (India) at J.S.S dental College and Hospital, Mysore. A total of 9 parameters were assessed which consisted of measurements of transverse dimensions at inter-canine, 1stinterpremolar, 2nd inter-premolar, 1st inter-molar,vertical dimensions at inter-canine, 1st inter-premolar, 2nd inter-premolar, 1st inter-molar, sagittal dimensions from the tip of the incisive papillae bisecting a line passing through the point connecting the buccal grooves of two first molars. Results: Class I malocclusion subjects showed a considerablygreater value (p<0.48) in the 1st interpremolar arch width dimensions compared to class II division 1 malocclusion subjects. Conclusion: Maxillary arch width in the posterior region preferably in the 1stinter-premolar region wasfound to be wider in class I malocclusion subjects and narrower in class II division 1 malocclusion subjects.