Dysmenorrhea is the most prevalent periodical pain and it is also known as painful periods. Aim of study was to compare isometric exercise vs stretching exercise in primary dysmennorhea. Total 60 male adult females were taken who suffers from dysmennorhea they were divided into to groups isometric group and stretching group pre intervention and post intervention for VAS and anxiety was taken. For isometrics pre intervention for anxiety was (n=30, mean56.4±4.34) VAS (n=30, mean7.4, ±1.379) there was a significant difference in post intervention for anxiety was (n=30, mean52.06±4.37) and for VAS (n=30, mean 5.5±1.737). For stretching pre intervention for anxiety was (mean57.06 ±11.07) VAS (N=7.82±1.33) There was a significant difference in post intervention. for anxiety (n=57.06±11.07) for VAS (n=5.4±1.38) Between group comparisons using unpaired t test showed significant difference: anxiety post isometrics and stretching P value which is significant at p>0.05 pre stretching and post stretching according to anxiety p value is 0. oooo33 which is significant as p > 0.05 to visual analogy scale for Post isometrics and post stretching P value is 0.434949 the result is not significant at p>0.05. Stretching is better than isometrics to reduce pain isometrics are better than stretching to reduce anxiety. The study concluded that isometrics was better than stretching to reduce pain and stretching was better than isometrics to reduce anxiety in primary dysmenorrhea.