Comparison of the efficacy of injectable platelet rich fibrin (i-prf) as an adjunct to coe-pak Tm with coe-pak tm alone on wound healing after open flap debridement in the treatment of stage iii grade b periodontitis: a randomized controlled trial

Research Article
Nawamee Phadnis, Amit Benjamin, Kahkashan Kadri and Pankti Gangar
i-PRF, wound healing, periodontal dressing

Introduction: Recently introduced platelet concentrate, injectable platelet rich fibrin (i-PRF) has been shown to possess healing and antimicrobial properties. Coe-pak TM, is a non-eugenol periodontal dressing which has been routinely used post periodontal surgeries but is devoid of any healing properties. Hence this was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of i-PRF after open flap debridement. Objective: To compare the efficacy of i-PRF as an adjunct to Coe-pakTM with Coe-pak TM alone on wound healing after open flap debridement in periodontitis patients. Methodology: 22 patients within the age range of 35-65 years, diagnosed with Stage III Grade B periodontitis after open flap debridement were subjected to receive either placement of Coe-pakTM  alone (Group B) or i-PRF followed by Coe-pakTM (Group A). The clinical parameters assessed were Wound healing Index, Pocket probing depth and Plaque Index at baseline, 1 week and 4 weeks. Result: On intergroup comparison, Group A showed enhanced wound healing, lower PI score and lower PPD reduction compared to group B with statistical insignificance (p>0.05). Conclusion: Based on the results of the current study, it can be concluded that i-PRF has no influence on the wound healing, pocket probing depth and plaque index in a period of 4