This article presents the compressive strength behaviour of crimpled steel fibre reinforced marble stone waste aggregate concrete. The Natural Aggregate (NA) is replaced by marble stone waste aggregate (MSWA) in the proportion of 25, 50, 75 and 100%. Crimpled steel fibres are added to the marble stone waste aggregate Concrete (MSWAC) by 1 and 2% volume of specimen and with different lengths of 12.5,30 and 50mm respectively. Control specimens are cast with natural aggregate and tested for comparison of MSWAC specimens. The results showed that as the % of marble stone waste aggregate content increases in the mix the strengths are decreased. With incorporation of steel fibres, the strengths are enhanced. There is a rise in the strengths with respect to use of long length and higher volume fraction of fibres. For obtained experimental results Regression Models (RM) are developed to predict the compressive strengths with known parameters of percentage of MSWA and volume fraction of fibres for three different lengths of fibres.