This study attempted to investigate to find out whether there exists a relationship between the level of computer utilization of the student- respondents and their level of achievement in mathematics. The student-respondents were the 349 college students chosen using stratified random sampling using degree program pursued as the basis for the stratification from the SSU during the school year 2013-2014. The study utilized a descriptive- correlational research design, used a constructed survey questionnaire as the principal data gathering instrument. Another instruments was the pre- validated 60 items mathematics achievement test taken from books which is used to measure the students achievement in logic, geometry, algorithm, mathematical analysis, probability and statistics, and discrete mathematics. The validation was conducted in order to determine whether the test items adapted from the books were suited to the level of the mathematical ability of the respondent to the students in EVSU Tacloban City and after the administration of the first and second administration of the questionnaire and the tests the correlation coefficient was computed and was posted at 0.886, which indicated that the test was both reliable and valid. Descriptive as well as inferential statistical tools were used to compute, analyse and interpret the data of the study. These statistical tools used were frequency count, percentage, mean, range, weighted mean, Pearson Product moment Coefficient of Correlation (Pearson r) and Fisher’s t-test. Based on the data analysis results revealed that 1) the respondents’ possess characteristics, which are present in college students enrolled in degree programs in colleges in Samar State University (SSU) Catbalogan City, Samar in terms of age, sex, average family income, etc. 2) the respondents are moderately knowledgeable as to basic computer concepts, moderately skilled in computer utilization, utilized computer on average of three times a week and used computers both for math related learning and other used. 3) respondents have “good” mathematics achievement based on the 60 items test. 4) computer utilization of the respondents is not significantly related to their mathematics achievement. 5) The computer utilization of the respondents and the varieties reveal significant relationships for some of the varieties such as for knowledge of basic computer concepts, degree program pursued and mathematics subjects taken are significantly related; possession of the respondents of basic computer skills in related to computer attitudes as measured by computer anxiety, computer confidence, computer liking and computer usefulness; frequency of utilization is related to average family income, educational attainment of the father, degree program pursued, average grade in math, and number of computer subjects taken. The type of computer utilization is related to average family income and degree program pursued. 6) The respondents math achievement is related to average family monthly income, degree program pursued, mother educational attainment, and number of math subjects. And for these results; it is recommended that teacher/instructor teaching computers should see to it that the students should at least know the basic knowledge of computer concepts and have basic computer skills, give exercises/lessons utilizing the computer to free their students to be able to utilized computer thus they will acquire knowledge and possess skills for utilizing computers, assess the knowledge of their students in basic computer concepts and also assess them as to possession of basic computer skills so that their students will have no anxiety, develop self- confidence toward computer utilization and should guide them in their type of computer utilization and frequency of utilization, see and talk with the parents of their students as to working together for enhance performance in computer utilization of the students, and consider the students computer knowledge and skills before giving them problems in which they will use the computers because if the students does not know, this will lead to students’ letting others solve for their math problems.