Background: Obesity is a complex condition, with serious social and psychological dimensions, affecting virtually all ages and socioeconomic groups (WHO). The direct effects of the obese state on heart function, and the means by which excessive body fat might negatively affect cardiac health during the growing years, however, has received less attention, so priority is given in this study to assess cardiac parameters in young adults Aim: we compared blood pressure indices in Normal & Overweight groups and also according to waist circumference. Methods: Subjects were enrolled between age group of 18-22 years based on detailed questionnaire and informed consent was obtained. Exclusion criteria: we excluded subjects having cardiovascular problems and also on steroid or other drugs. Automated blood pressure monitor was used to measure blood pressure. Unpaired ‘t’ test was used for comparing groups and Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used for comparing according to waist circumference. Result: systolic blood pressure, Diastolic blood pressure & Mean pressure are significantly high in overweight groups and the same showed significant positive correlation with waist circumference. Conclusion: Increase in body fat leads to increase in blood pressure in apparently healthy adolescent group.