Caffeine is a bitter substances found in coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate, cola, nuts and certain medicine. It has many effects on the body metabolism, including stimulating the central nerve system. This can make you more alert and boost your energy. Menopause, also known as the climacteric, is the time in most women’s lives when menstrual period stop permanently and they are no longer able to bare children. Menopause typically occurs between 49 and 52 years of age.
1. To determine the usage of caffeine among women
2. To identify the menopausal symptoms among women
3. To find the relation between the caffeine usage and menopausal symptoms
H1: There will be significant relation between caffeine usage and menopausal symptoms.
Methodology: A descriptive survey approach was used in the study among 100 menopausal women in a selected rural community at Mangaluru to assess the relation between usage of caffeine and menopausal symptoms.
Results: The data has been collected from 100 menopausal women from Boliyar community. The present study revealed that, out of 100 participants 29 were belonging to the age group of 50-54 years. Majority of women (75) were belonging to Muslim religion, 62 of them belonged to the nuclear family, 50 of them had no formal education, 92 of them were married, and 67 participants had monthly income of rupees 5000-10000. With regard to the amount of coffee powder, 65 participants were adding half teaspoon of powder in a cup of coffee,20 were adding one teaspoon powder for a cup of coffee whereas only 5 of them were using more than one teaspoon powder for a cup of coffee. The occurrence and severity of menopausal symptoms were assessed by using rating scale. It showed that 60 of them always experienced increased body temperature after attaining menopause and 45 of them always experienced mood swings whereas 43 participants had forgetfulness, tiredness, numbness and joint stiffness during their menopausal period. The findings of the study revealed that there was a positive relationship between amount of caffeine intake and menopausal symptoms (p=0.007).
Interpretation and Conclusion: The data collected were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. It showed a positive correlation between amount of caffeine intake and menopausal symptoms.