Critical Evaluation Of Ongoing World Disastrous Problems

Research Article
Naisiligaki Japhet
disastrous or catastrophic problems, global warming, terrorist, ocean and violation of human rights.

The analyzed disastrous problems such as global warming, terrorism, border issues, violation of human rights and ocean are not new phenomenon in this recent era but they are growing catastrophic problems that their global implications are more complex today. This research paper has addressed seven ongoing global problems along with their respective suggestions. The researcher indicates that the root cause of all the world disastrous problems is human with an exception of global warming and drastic climate change that is contributed by both human factors which can be reduced if at all the society values the nature of the environment meanwhile for the natural factors nothing can be done to avoid it from happening like Eruption of volcanoes, Cyclone, Tsunami and so on. To some extent with assistance of weather metrological department some natural problems can be reduced mostly by reducing loss of lives of people at stake. Despite the fact that, this research has given way forward to curb with the discussed disastrous problems but the researcher argues that with the existence of human these problems cannot be eradicated due to high unpredictability of human behavior, increase of world population as well as increase of harmful human activities. But with the best policies and practices, self-awareness these problems can be eliminated.