To identify the groundwater potential zones in lower Tamirabharani River Basin, Tamil Nadu using remote sensing and GIS techniques. The study made use of thematic maps like lineament density, geomorphology, geology, land use/land cover, drainage density and soil map as GIS layers in the geodatabase and assigning weightages based on the influence of the groundwater potential. By integration of weightages to acquired more effective score to demarcate the groundwater potential zone. Lineament density and geomorphology were identified as the highest factor contributing to groundwater influence prospect with 30% and 20% respectively. The very good groundwater potential zones were defined in the eastern areas while the areas with low potential lie in the western regions. The result also shows that good groundwater potential zones occupy a coverage of about 14.1%, moderate potential constitutes 22.4%, poor holds 15.0% while saltwater intrusion represents of 23.9% of the study area respectively. Lower Tamirabharani River Basin was identified to have a very high groundwater potential within the study area. It is therefore recommended that groundwater potential zones mapping should be carried out for the entire country to serve as the guide for water resources agencies.