“PICA” is a term that refers to craving for substances that are not foods (chalk, ashes, orbones) not normally eaten that occurs in nutritional deficiency states in humans or animals or in some forms of mental illness. Between 10% & 30% of kids ages 1-6 years have the eating disorder pica, which is characterized by persistent & compulsive craving (lasting 1month or longer) to eat nonfood items. The word “PICA” comes from the “LATIN” word for “MAGFPIE”, a bird known for its large & indiscriminate appetite. PICA is most common in people with developmental disabilities, including autism &mental disabilities & in children between the age of 2 & 3.In India about 35% of populations were children .They has a special place in the lives of the people, but a large number of children become a cause of sorrow because of illness & ultimate death. Pica is one of the most dangerous eating disorder especially among small children13. Children eat certain ingredients like lead, it is very poisonous & can damage the stomach lining & may even kill. Other non- food items also contains harmful chemicals that may not only poison but also result in other very serious health conditions like Intestinal obstruction, Constipation, Ulcerations, Perforations, Iron ,Zinc deficiency anaemia, Electrolyte metabolic disorder, Tooth wear, Hypokalemia. The objective of the study was to assess the level of knowledge on PICA among mothers of under five years children and to find out an association between level of knowledge with their selected socio-demographic data. A nonexperimental descriptive approach was considered in this study using a purposive sampling technique method. The result shows that 70% of the mothers had average knowledge and 30% of mothers had poor knowledge level of knowledge. Further, none of them had good knowledge on pica prevention in the knowledge level. The study indicated that the non of the socio demographic variables like age education level, type of families, religion, number of children, occupation, Family income, resides, previous knowledge regarding pica, past history of pica were with knowledge level because chai square found less than table value .