Health is not something that one possesses as a commodity, but connotes rather a way of functioning within one’s environment (work, recreation and living). Millions of workers spend majority of the working day on their feet and many hours in static positions. Standing uses 20% more energy than sitting and because human bodies are not designed to stand at work, prolonged standing, can lead to tiredness, loss of concentration and increased health risks. Nurses are the main pillars of a health care delivery system. They bear the weight and responsibility of the providing care to the clients. There are a lot of problems faced by nurses since they stand most of the working day and it has a great effect on the lower limbs. It can damage the joints, make muscles ache and more over cause a disorder referred as ‘varicose veins.’ A Descriptive survey approach with non-experimental descriptive survey design was used for the study. Population of the study was staff nurses. Non-probability purposive sampling technique was used to select samples (n=100). The data collection tool consisted of demographic data and knowledge questionnaire. Many of the subjects (61%) were having good knowledge regarding varicose vein, followed by 26% having average knowledge, and 10% were having very good knowledge. The mean percentage of overall level of knowledge was 59.64%. Analysis of the association between the level of knowledge and selected demographic variables exposed that there was significant association between the level of knowledge and marital status, academic qualification, years of experience in the present ward and Source of Knowledge (P>0.05).