The moment resisting frames which have special proportioning and detailing that results in a frame capable of resisting strong earthquakes without significant loss of stiffness and strength are called Special Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF). And those frames which are stringently detailed are called Ordinary Moment Resisting Frames(OMRF). The design criteria for (SMRF) buildings is given in IS 13920 (2002). In this study two reinforced concrete buildings that is, 12 storey and 16 storey buildings are designed as SMRF and OMRF buildings. Only fixed end condition is considered for the study. Their performance is observed by performing pushover analysis for both type of buildings. The pushover analysis is performed using SAP – 2000 (19 – Version) and pushover curves are plotted for both types of buildings in X and Y directions. A pushover curve is comprising of Base Shear versus Roof Displacement.