Introduction: Although volleyball is a popular game among the worldwide nations, no standard “selection criteria” is available so far to discriminate excellent volleyball players in India. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to develop a standard “selection criteria” that can contribute to search talented players to constitute a standard volleyball team. Materials and Method: To construct the “selection criteria”, initially, 21 test-items were identified based on three major dimensions viz., morphological, volleyball skills and performance related physical fitness. These test-items were administered and re-administered, within a gap of one month, on 24 school level male volleyball players aged 13 to 15 years. Further, based on item analysis and factor analysis 11 items (morphological: height & weight; volleyball skills: servicing, under hand pass, setting front pass, back pass, spiking and blocking; Performance related physical fitness: sit ups, vertical jump &push-ups) were retained in selection criteria. The items were administered on three hundred (n=300) school level volleyball players. Results: The results revealed that the norms of the “selection criteria” were found gradable (based on Liket’s five point scale), reliable (r=0.74, p<0.01) and valid (r=0.71, p<0.01). Conclusion: This study warrants that the “selection criteria” as developed and standardized could finally contains 11 test-items under 3 major dimensions viz., morphological, physical fitness and skills. It can objectively search talented school level male Volleyball players with acceptable reliability and validity.