Microbes in diverse communities interact with other organisms and its environment, making their impact difficult to predict. In the present study, the soil sample was collected from Pattukkotai Taluk, Thanjavur District at four different seasons viz., post monsoon, summer, pre monsoon and monsoon, and investigation were carried out. The soil samples were subjected to physico-chemical analysis. Seasonal variations of different parameters investigated were as follows: physical parameters of PH (7.14-7.87), Moisture content (30.7-45.5 %), and temperature (24-47°C). The chemical and other soil parameters such as available Organic carbon (0.12-0.97 kg/ac), Nitrogen contain (72.8-91.12 kg/ac), Phosphorus (3.13-3.65kg/ac), potassium (125-145kg/ac), Magnesium (8.3-9.6kg/ac) and Calcium (10.3-12.3kg/ac), available micronutrients (ppm) such as Zinc, Copper, Iron, Manganese (0.63-0.89, 0.73-0.99, 4.57-8.62, 3.15-3.49) respectively. Spatial and seasonal fluctuations of 19 important groups of bacterial and 28 fungal group’s isolates were evaluated from the soil sample during different seasons, along with soil physico- chemical parameters. Determination of bacterial and fungal diversity in the pattukottai taluk soil by culture method showed the predominance of bacterial genera such as E.coli, Streptococcus sp, Staphylococcus sp, Shigella sp, Brucella sp, Bacillus sp, Pseudomonas sp. The predominance of fungal genera such as Aspergillus sp, Tricoderma sp, Fusarium sp, Pencillium sp, Rhizopus sp